If there comes a need to deploy same environment at different folder (or machine) simply executing the command $ pip install -r installedpkgp1.txt would create same environment.I am trying to create a shiny app based on shinyapps.io that uses a virtualenv with python3 but I am currently having trouble with shinyapps.io recognising the virtual environment. This text file contains list of installed packages (including their versions) in the current environment. To freeze current state of environment run $ pip freeze > installedpkgp1.txt.Executing virtualenv command with -no-site-packages excludes the globally installed packages.virtualenvwrapper is another handy tool which is extended version of virtualenv, though the installation procedure for both is nearly same.Once above steps are executed (without any errors) one could (possibly and) simultaneously work between both environments without any conflicts. Repeat steps 3-6 for Flask application with different directory, virtualenv names and pip install Flask to install Flask.Run pip install Django to install Django for project1 and deactivate (if needed) to return to the global environment.To activate the environment run source venvp1/bin/activate (if Linux) and venvp1\Scripts\activate (if Windows) and prompt will change to (venvp1)Your-Computer:your_project UserName$).Run $ virtualenv venvp1 and this would create a venvp1 folder inside Project1 directory.

It's like installing a package locally (and not globally), similar to npm package installation option.įollowing is an example to install and test virtualenv for creating two projects (Project1-A Django application and Project2- A Flask application): Virtual Environment tool ( virtualenv) is used to isolate different projects and their dependencies by creating individual python environments for each of them.

Since the Documentation for virtualenv is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. It should also mention any large subjects within virtualenv, and link out to the related topics. This section provides an overview of what virtualenv is, and why a developer might want to use it.